Dr Aidan Cornelius-Bell

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Aidan is a higher education researcher working at the nexus of Marxist philosophy and transformative approaches to learning and teaching. They are deeply invested in the decolonisation of higher education and advancing intersectional politics for collective liberation.

Journal Articles

Brabazon, T., Cornelius-Bell, A., & Armstrong, E. (2021). The Pandemic PhD Programme: Reading and thinking about the Celebrity Intellectual (and COVID-19). International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 8(4), 165–188. https://doi.org/10.23918/ijsses.v8i1p165
Cornelius, K., & Cornelius-Bell, A. (2022). Systemic racism, a prime minister, and the remote Australian school system. Radical Teacher, 122(1), 64–73. https://doi.org/10.5195/rt.2022.935
Cornelius-Bell, A. (2021). University Governance, Radicalism and the Market Economy: Where Student Power Gave Way to Economics and Educative Possibility to the Corporate University. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 8(2), 76–87. https://doi.org/10.23918/ijsses.v8i2p76
Cornelius-Bell, A. (2022). Beyond ‘Aware and Paralysed’: Governance, Research and Leadership at the Nexus of Academic Development and Corporate Universities. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 9(3), 202–216. https://doi.org/10.23918/ijsses.v9i3p202
Cornelius-Bell, A. (2023). Capitalist Reproduction and Student Politics in Higher Education: Pete Seeger Meets the Young Liberals, Hegemonic Stasis, and the Contemporary University. Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 3(6), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.53103/cjess.v3i6.195
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. (2021). The academic precariat post-COVID-19. Fast Capitalism, 18(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.32855/fcapital.202101.001
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. A. (2020). Partnership as Student Power: democracy and governance in a neoliberal university. Radical Teacher, 118(1), 21–30. https://doi.org/10.5195/rt.2020.738
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. A. (2023a). Harnessing Empty Institutional Priorities: Developing radical student agency through university teaching and learning for revolutionary transformation. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 10(3), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.23918/ijsses.v10i3p42
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. A. (2023b). Towards Social Transformation: An Exploration of the Divergent Histories of Radicalism and Corporatizing Higher Education in Australia. Journal of Higher Education Policy And Leadership Studies, 4(4), 29–46. https://doi.org/10.61186/johepal.4.4.69
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. A. (2024). Educational hegemony: Angloshperic education institutions and the potential of organic intellectuals. Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 4(1), 49–62. https://doi.org/10.53103/cjess.v4i1.213
Cornelius-Bell, A., Bell, P. A., & Dollinger, M. (2022). Deterritorialising Student Voice and Partnership in Higher Education. Higher Education, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-022-00972-z
Howland, K., Matricciani, L. A., Cornelius-Bell, A., & Kelly, M. A. (2024). The concept of capability in pre-registration nursing education: A scoping review. Nurse Education Today, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2024.106240
Shabbar, F., Cornelius-Bell, A., & Hall, T. (2024). Digital storytelling as virtual work integrated learning: the Mia project in child and family social work education. Social Work Education, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2024.2368738

Conference Papers

Aldous, C., Cornelius-Bell, A., & Sesterka, A. (2020). Development of Pre-service Teachers’ Conceptualisation of Science as a Human Endeavour: Australasian Science Education Research Association. 10–10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN1iqRneoPc
Cornelius-Bell, A. (2021). From Partnership to Governance: Student Voice Australia Symposium. https://studentvoiceaustralia.com/symposium-2021/
Cornelius-Bell, A. (2022a). Academic subversion: Harnessing student agency to create change. Student Voice Australia Symposium, 7–8. https://studentvoiceaustralia.com/s/SVA_Symposium_22_Stream_Abstracts-3mms.pdf
Cornelius-Bell, A. (2022b). Rethink or revolutionise: higher education on the brink of transformation. Student Voice Australia Symposium, 1, 1–2.
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. (2020). Student activism in a newly online university: Online International Doctoral Research Conference in Education. 43–43.
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. A. (2021). From rigid to floppy: assessment policy transformations, students’ friend or foe? Final Program and Abstracts, 20–20. https://www.saproundtable21.com/s/Case-Studies-Session-1-Abstracts.pdf
Cornelius-Bell, A., Lower, K., Murray, A., & Rankin, J. (2020, November 10). Online Learning in COVID-19 Panel. Festival of Learning and Teaching, Bedford Park, SA. https://video.flinders.edu.au/events20/20/festival_of_learning_and_teaching_panel.cfm
Cornelius-Bell, A., Marsh, B., & Watkins, M. (2023). Rebellious reimagining of a fully online discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health course. Higher Education Research Group Adelaide 2023, 41. https://hdl.handle.net/11541.2/35826
Kenyon, K., Watkins, M., & Cornelius-Bell, A. (2022). “Do the systems matter anyway?” Mapping Aboriginal Content and Pedagogies across undergraduate programs at the University of South Australia. Indigenous Higher Education Curriculum Conference, 18–18. https://hdl.handle.net/11541.2/31594

Reports & Other Output

- Decolonizing higher education is important to address the legacy of coloniali. (n.d.).
Aldous, C., Cornelius-Bell, A., & Jeffries, D. (2017). Improving Student Interest in STEM through Pre-service Teacher Industry Engagement: Bridging the Gap Research Report 1: Report on the outcomes of Stage 2: Cohort 1 and Progress of Stage 3: Cohort 1 31st January 2017 to 30th September 2017. Flinders University. https://researchnow.flinders.edu.au/en/publications/improving-student-interest-in-stem-through-pre-service-teacher-in-4
Aldous, C., Cornelius-Bell, A., & Jeffries, D. (2018). Improving Student Interest in STEM through Pre-service Teacher Industry Engagement: Bridging the Gap Research Report 2: Combined Report on the Outcomes of Stage 3: Cohort 1 and Completion of Stage 2: Cohort 2 30th September 2017 to 31st December 2017. Flinders University.
Aldous, C., Cornelius-Bell, A., Jeffries, D., & Witts, A. (2018). Improving Student Interest in STEM through Pre-service Teacher Industry Engagement: Bridging the Gap Research Report No. 3: Report on the Outcomes of Stage 2: Cohort 2 and Progress on Stage 3: Cohort 2 31st January 2018 to 31st August 2018. Flinders University. https://researchnow.flinders.edu.au/en/publications/improving-student-interest-in-stem-through-pre-service-teacher-in
Aldous, C., Cornelius-Bell, A., Jeffries, D., & Witts, A. (2019). Improving Student Interest in STEM through Pre-service Teacher Industry Engagement: Bridging the Gap Bridging the Gap Research Report 4: Final Report on the Outcomes of Stage 3: Cohort 2 and Completion of Stage 2: Cohort 3 30th September 2018 to 31st December 2018. Flinders University. https://researchnow.flinders.edu.au/en/publications/improving-student-interest-in-stem-through-pre-service-teacher-in-3
Brabazon, T., & Cornelius-Bell, A. (2020, June 24). Student Partnerships and Activism [Podcast]. https://tarabrabazon.libsyn.com/student-partnerships-and-activism
Cornelius-Bell, A. (2021). Student Activism in Higher Education: The politics of students’ role in hegemonic university change [Ph.D., Flinders University]. https://dx.doi.org/10.31237/osf.io/veq5a
Cornelius-Bell, A. (2024). Challenging broken systems: decolonisation and transformation of higher education. In MOD., Beyond Broken (pp. 218–223). University of South Australia [MOD.].
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. A. (2022a). Questions for evaluating a student voice or partnership project (pp. 1–2). Student Voice Australia. https://studentvoiceaustralia.com/reports-publications
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. A. (2022b). Student engagement & authenticity evaluation tool (Student Voice Australia Reports, Tools and Publications, pp. 1–2) [Evaluative tool]. Student Voice Australia. https://studentvoiceaustralia.com/reports-publications
Cornelius-Bell, A., & Bell, P. A. (2024). Power and the game of higher education: self-validating aggrandisement or transformational praxis? In A. Walker, H. Grimmett, & A. Black (Eds.), Ludic inquiries into power and pedagogy in higher education: How games play us (pp. 45–57). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003450979-5
Cornelius-Bell, A., Tikhonova, D., Bouvet, E., Schech, S., Ngo, M., Parisot, E., Diaz-Martinez, J., Kane, J. H., & Carter, H. (2021). Digital Education in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences: Discipline Discussions. Flinders University. https://doi.org/10.25957/wzxb-n871

In press

Cornelius-Bell, A. (2024). A capitalist stranglehold on “artificial intelligence”: a gallop through piracy, privacy invasion, lock-in and a fever dream of democratization. Fast Capitalism, 21(1).